My camp was right next to the trail so I woke up in the morning as a few early starters passed me. At around 0445 I could not sleep anymore so I decided to break camp. I got on trail around 0515 which is the earliest so far. The hiking in the morning was really good, I might have to do the same in the future.
I wanted to make it to Warner Springs where I had sent a package with some resupplies. I had one longer break at Barrel Springs where I refilled water and had breakfast.

Besides that I pushed on towards Warner Springs while stopping to talk to hikers as I passed them. On the way I passed Eagle Rock which surprisingly is a rock that looks like an eagle. After a few pictures I pushed the last stretch in to Warner Springs.
At Warner Springs there is a community centre that is really friendly to hikers. I started with a bucket shower and washed my clothes. After this I headed to the post office to grab my package. Then on to the restaurant to get some pizza. Once I was back at the community centre I charged my battery and relaxed.

One cool thing about Warner Springs is that a company called 2 foot adventures have an airstream trailer there. The trailer is filled with awesome hiking gear and serves as an outfitter. I decided to switch out my groundcloth from polycryo to tyvex. I did this because I had already ripped a hole in my polycryo, so I am pretty sure it would not have lasted the thru-hike.
I will camp at the community centre before I hit the next section to Idyllwild. This section also had some interesting water carries that I am figuring out.
There seem to be a few people at Warner Springs that hike about as many miles as I do. I hope to run in to them up the trail.