As usual I woke up a few times during the night, despite this I decided to sleep in till around 0600 where I started breaking camp. I went quite slow as I was in no particular hurry today.
My plans for the day were to eat a meal at Paradise Valley Cafe and then camp further up the trail. The Cafe is located about a mile of trail mile 151.9 so about 20 miles from my starting location.
Due to my late start it was already very light as I started hiking and with the incoming storm quite windy. The wind made for really nice hiking where I did not sweat too much.
I passed a few water sources and once again realized that I was carrying way too much water. I plan to carry less and use more water sources instead of big carries from a few sources.
Upon the way to my water source of choice I soaked my instant oatmeal and had breakfast. My water source of choice was a well supplied water cache. I chose this as there were several other possible water sources nearby so I took only the necessary amount. At the water cache I had a short break.
After the break I continued more or less uninterrupted to Paradise Valley Cafe. At the cafe I happily walked the 1.4 mile roundtrip for my burger.
Well fed and back on the trail I pushed on to a nice looking campsite at 155.9. It is possible to scout ahead for campsites using Guthooks and/or Hikerbot, both are did with a ton of info on the trail like campsites, water sources and detours.
The campsite is nice and sheltered which is good since it is quite windy. So far it looks like two other hikers will be camping here tonight.